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Apart > Sprints

Agent Security Hackathon: Expanding our Knowledge

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October 4, 2024 4:00 PM
October 7, 2024 3:00 AM
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This event is finished. It occurred between 
October 4, 2024
October 7, 2024

What is Agent Security?

While much AI safety research focuses on large language models, the AI systems being deployed in the real world are far more complex. Enter the realm of Agents — sophisticated combinations of language models and programmed features that are reshaping our digital landscape.

During this hackathon, we'll put our research skills to the test by diving deep into the world of Agents:

  • What are their unique safety properties?
  • Under what conditions do they fail?
  • How do they differ from raw language models?

Join us to uncover the unknowns of Agent security by signing up below!

The rapid advancement of AI technologies has brought about systems capable of increasingly autonomous operation. AI Agents, which integrate large language models with programmed functionalities, represent a significant step in this evolution. These Agents can make decisions, execute tasks, and interact with their environment in ways that surpass traditional AI systems.

This progression, while promising, introduces new challenges in ensuring the safety and security of AI systems. The complexity of AI Agents necessitates a reevaluation of existing safety frameworks and the development of novel approaches to security.


You will join in teams to submit a report and code repository of your research from this weekend with established researchers as judges looking through your project afterwards and providing reviews.

Speakers & Collaborators

Archana Vaidheeswaran

Archana is responsible for organizing the Apart Sprints, research hackathons to solve the most important questions in AI safety.

Esben Kran

Esben is the co-director of Apart Research and specializes in organizing research teams on pivotal AI security questions.

Jason Schreiber

Jason is co-director of Apart Research and leads Apart Lab, our remote-first AI safety research fellowship.

📍 Registered jam sites

Beside the remote and virtual participation, our amazing organizers also host local hackathon locations where you can meet up in-person and connect with others in your area.

AI Agent Security Hackathon

Join us for a weekend hackathon at Skybox 1 and 2 in DTU Skylab . Whether you're new to the topic or have some experience, this hackathon is a great opportunity to get hands-on experience with the security of agent-based systems.

AI Agent Security Hackathon

🏠 Register a location

The in-person events for the Apart Sprints are run by passionate individuals just like you! We organize the schedule, speakers, and starter templates, and you can focus on engaging your local research, student, and engineering community. Read more about organizing.
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