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Apart > Sprints

Mechanistic Interpretability Hackathon

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January 19, 2023 4:00 PM
January 21, 2023 4:00 PM
Hackathon starts in
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This event is finished. It occurred between 
January 19, 2023
January 21, 2023

Speakers & Collaborators

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📍 Registered jam sites

Beside the remote and virtual participation, our amazing organizers also host local hackathon locations where you can meet up in-person and connect with others in your area.

Uppsala Mechanistic Interpretability Jam

We will be in a room (still undecided) at Ångströmlaboratoriet.

Uppsala University

UC Berkeley MechInt Alignment Hackathon

The UC Berkeley AI safety initiative is hosting a jam site on campus! Check out the signup link to get updated on the location of the hackathon.

UC Berkeley

SAIA Mechanistic Interpretability Hackathon

The Stanford AI Alignment group is hosting a jam site for this month's mechanistic interpretability hackathon at a campus room to be announced by Stanford AI Alignment.

Stanford University

OxAI Mechanistic Interpretability Hackathon

Oxford AI Safety Hub and OxAI will host a jam site in Oxford.

Oxford University

Mentaleap Mechanistic Interpretability Hackathon

EA Israel and the Mentaleap team will host a location in Israel: Hackers, neuroscientists, AI experts.

Tel Aviv, EA Israel

Mechanistic Interpretability Hackathon KTH

AI Safety Stockholm will host a jam site at the Royal Institute of Technology.

KTH Stockholm

LEAH Mechanistic Interpretability Hackathon

LEAH is hosting the mechanistic interpretability hackathon for the London Univeristies.

Imperial, King's, UCL

Ens Ulm interpretability hackathon

Salle Bourbaki pour samedi et dimanche. Mechanistic interpretability hackathon at Ulm organized by EffiSciences.


Copenhagen Mechanistic Interpretabilty Hackathon

Apart is hosting a jam site in Copenhagen for the universities in Station Copenhagen.

Copenhagen University

CompSoc Mechanistic Interpretability Hackathon

We'll be at the Appleton Tower on the Edinburgh campus. 11 Crichton St, Newington, Edinburgh EH8 9LE,

Edinburgh University

Carnegie AI Safety Initiative: ML Interpretability Hackathon

The Carnegie AI Safety Initiative is hosting a jam site at Carnegie Mellon University. Click the link to join their Discord and stay updated!

Carnegie Mellon University

Cambridge Mechanistic Interpretabiltiy Hackathon

Cambridge AI Safety Hub will host a jam site at the Sidney Street Office, 2nd floor in Cambridge.

Cambridge AI Safety Hub

Budapest Mechanistic Interpretability Hackathon

Interpretability Hackathon with EA Budapest and the Budapest AI Safety Group, supported by AlignmentJam


AI Neuroscience Global

Join in for the global Gathertown for the Alignment Jam


🏠 Register a location

The in-person events for the Apart Sprints are run by passionate individuals just like you! We organize the schedule, speakers, and starter templates, and you can focus on engaging your local research, student, and engineering community. Read more about organizing.
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