This work was done during one weekend by research workshop participants and does not represent the work of Apart Research.
AI capabilities and risks demo-jam: Creating visceral interactive demonstrations
AI capabilities and risks demo-jam: Creating visceral interactive demonstrations
August 26, 2024
Accepted at the 
 research sprint on 


As the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems continue to rapidly progress, the security risks of using them for seemingly minor tasks can have significant consequences. The primary objective of our demo is to showcase this duality in capabilities: its ability to assist in completing a programming task, such as developing a Tic-Tac-Toe game, and its potential to exploit system vulnerabilities by inserting malicious code to gain access to a user's files.

Mia Hopman, Carissa Cullen, Jack Wittmayer, Vaishnavi Pamulapati
4th place
3rd place
2nd place
1st place
 by peer review
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