This work was done during one weekend by research workshop participants and does not represent the work of Apart Research.
Computational Mechanics Hackathon!
Computational Mechanics Hackathon!
June 3, 2024
Accepted at the 
 research sprint on 

Exploring Hierarchical Structure Representation in Transformer Models through Computational Mechanics

This work attempts to explore how an approach based on computational mechanics can cope when a more complex hierarchical generative process is involved, i.e, a process that comprises Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) whose transition probabilities change over time. We find that small transformer models are capable of modeling such changes in an HMM. However, our preliminary investigations did not find geometrically represented probabilities for different hypotheses.

Olli Järviniemi, Udayanto Dwi Atmojo, Aayush Kucheria, Konsta Tiilikainen
4th place
3rd place
2nd place
1st place
 by peer review
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