Jun 16, 2023


Jun 18, 2023

Online & In-Person

Distillation Write-a-thon

Join us for the Distillation Writathon where you are tasked with writing more digestible versions of existing literature in AI safety research and theory!





This event is ongoing.

This event has concluded.




Hosted by AI Safety Info

See the information document for up-to-date information on the event, e.g. how the top projects are selected.

You have multiple options for questions to attempt to distill!

  • Pick a question from our idea sheet to work on

  • Take one from the full list of questions on Coda, if it has a status of “Not started”, “In progress”, or “Bulletpoint sketch”

  • Think of a new question (but first ask in the #distillation-hackathon channel on Discord if it’s a good fit for the site)

  • Use a keyword to find another question already in the system. For example, if you want to see if there’s a question in progress about Cartesian frames:

  1. Go to aisafety.info

  2. Search for "cartesian frames"

  3. Click “I’m asking something else” when no live articles show up

  4. Click on the “edit” button next to one of the in-progress articles that show up to go to the doc

Other information




Get inspired for your own projects with these ideas developed during the reading groups!



  • Friday, June 16th, 7am UTC: Participants may start!

  • Sunday, June 18th, 11pm UTC: Wrap-up Discord/GatherTown group call


Check back later to see entries to this event

Speakers & Collaborators

Esben Kran


Esben is the co-director of Apart Research and specializes in organizing research teams on pivotal AI security questions.

Neel Nanda

Speaker & Judge

Team lead for the mechanistic interpretability team at Google Deepmind and a prolific advocate for open source interpretability research.

Speakers & Collaborators

Esben Kran


Esben is the co-director of Apart Research and specializes in organizing research teams on pivotal AI security questions.

Neel Nanda

Speaker & Judge

Team lead for the mechanistic interpretability team at Google Deepmind and a prolific advocate for open source interpretability research.

Registered Jam Sites

Register A Location

Beside the remote and virtual participation, our amazing organizers also host local hackathon locations where you can meet up in-person and connect with others in your area.

The in-person events for the Apart Sprints are run by passionate individuals just like you! We organize the schedule, speakers, and starter templates, and you can focus on engaging your local research, student, and engineering community.

We haven't announced jam sites yet

Check back later

Registered Jam Sites

Register A Location

Beside the remote and virtual participation, our amazing organizers also host local hackathon locations where you can meet up in-person and connect with others in your area.

The in-person events for the Apart Sprints are run by passionate individuals just like you! We organize the schedule, speakers, and starter templates, and you can focus on engaging your local research, student, and engineering community.

We haven't announced jam sites yet

Check back later