The proposal describes Prompt+question Shield, a defensive library to protect website comment sections from
automated AI-driven spam responses. This introduction of AI-driven agent systems or custom chained model pipelines that are capable of generating and posting content, can introduce noise and lead to concerns about the authenticity of online discussions. The author's proposed solution is a proactive defense mechanism using a prompt injection that detects automated agents by triggering confusion in the agent's response or nullifying posting behaviors. Additionally, the author proposes a time-limited question that might be difficult for humans to respond to promptly and prevent responses that are received below a threshold time.
This is a great idea, and the proposal sets up the problem clearly and proposes interesting solutions. There are some avenues of improvement to consider that would make the proposal stronger:
1. Discussing potential risks and failure modes: for example the solution might face some challenges if there is a preprocessing step that identifies specific divs to post content to or uses multiple agents that can evolve and learn to bypass the prompt injections.
2. Some discussion on how the solution might adapt to future AI systems with advanced capabilities that can ignore the injection attacks might be helpful
3. Demonstrating how the library can be used in some practical scenarios with detailed example usecases or case studies can show the empirical validity of the solution
I would recommend the author to develop the solution further since this is definitely going to be a real need very soon.